Coconut water is one of my favorite drinks. It has a refreshing, nutty taste. Plus, coconut water is so good for you with all the minerals, vitamin C, B complex vitamins, bioactive enzymes, amino acids, and antioxidants.
Some say it turns back time on aging. I think you look younger because your skin is hydrated but it is likely the cytokinins and health enhancing growth hormones present in the water are helping as well. If you have time, read the article about coconut water and cytokinins. It is fascinating and very informative. This article states the FDA allows coconut water to claim it ?may reduce the risk of high blood pressure and stroke.? It also mentions the benefit for pregnant and nursing mothers.
Health Benefits also details the wonderful health benefits of coconut water. I think it is fascinating that coconut water has been used for intravenous transfusions. Coconuts were used in World War II and are still used today when there is not access to blood. Coconut water “is called as the Universal Donor and the reason is its configuration, which is identical to the blood plasma of human beings.”
Both articles discuss coconut water being labeled a natural sports drink. I agree with the claim because I can feel a difference when drinking the water before or after exercising. I love that I am not ingesting all the dyes you get in the other sports drinks. I know the sodium content is lower in coconut water than other man-made sports drinks but I can get the sodium from salted almonds or pretzels. There are plenty of opportunities to get sodium in my diet.
I find my coconuts at Whole Foods but most health food stores should be able to order them. Young coconuts are whitish yellow in color and do not have the brown husks on the outside. Mature coconuts are brown. The young coconuts have more water and less meat.
To drink them, get a sharp knife and chop the top off. Put a glass on top of the coconut and flip it over so the water pours into the glass. Or, you can stick a straw in the coconut and enjoy it straight from the source. Do not drink the water if it has turned a purple color; it is fermenting and may make you feel a little funny.

If you do not have access to fresh coconuts, then try the packaged brands. Vita CoCo brand seems to be available in most stores. I have it in my pantry for the times I do not have a fresh one available.
My mother is not a believer in natural remedies but finally tried coconut water when she was not feeling well and nothing else was working. She reluctantly admitted she was better after an hour of drinking the water. If it works on her, it has to work on everyone! Treat yourself to a tall glass.
I hope you can find a store with fresh coconuts. The meat has all sorts of health benefits too and makes a fabulous cream. See our Coconut Cream dessert.

More nutitional information on coconut water is provided below.
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