Are you looking for a sweet cranberry sauce that will compliment your turkey and all those leftover turkey sandwiches? Most people avoid cranberries because they are very tart but they do not need to be. I sweeten my fresh cranberries with cane sugar or honey and simmer them in orange juice and zest to create a delicious citrus syrup.
I decided to add fresh pineapple and local honey. Many people are complaining about sinus issues this year and the pineapple and local honey will help alleviate the headaches and allergy symptoms. Pineapple, cranberries, and cinnamon are natural anti-inflammatories. Local honey can help you build an immunity to whatever is in the air right now. Wildflower honey is suppose to be the best for allergies.
This cranberry pineapple sauce has the consistency of chunky applesauce. It is very different from the jellied cranberries straight from the can. I would make this the day before so the cranberries marinade in the sweet orange and pineapple juice. I have to make a double serving since my kids devour it.
If you are looking for more recipes, Martha Stewart has plenty on her site. I have made her Cranberry Sauce for years. I cannot find that particular recipe on her site but can email it if you wish. It has sugar, orange zest and orange juice and is not as sweet as the one I made up with pineapple.
1) Chop half of a pineapple and throw into you blender. You should have about 1 cup of diced pineapple. Now zest and peel the orange. Slice open the orange and remove the seeds. Then add the orange to the blender. Purée the pineapple and orange. You should have 2 cups of purée.

2) Pour the purée in a saucepan. Add 3/4 cup of local honey, a pinch of ground cloves, one cinnamon stick, the orange zest, and a bag of cranberries. Bring to a boil stirring occasionally. Boil until the skin on the cranberries split and then turn down to a simmer for 20 minutes.

3) Serve immediately or refrigerate overnight. It is better the next day. Store in the refrigerator for several days.

Why You Want to Eat This!
- Cranberries are a good source of Vitamin C, fiber and anthocyanins. They may help your heart and increase your good cholesterol. I read on Martha Stewart that cranberries can increase your HDL by 10 %. They also can boost your immune system, reduce your chance of cancer, help fight bacteria in your stomach and digestive tract, prevent urinary tract infections, and decrease bacteria in your mouth. Some believe they help fight cavities. Read more…
- Pineapple is a natural anti-inflammatory and may help fight sinus infections.
- Local honey may help with allergies.
- Cinnamon is a natural anti-inflammatory, may reduce blood clots, reduces bacteria growth, helps control blood sugar, and boosts your brain. Read more.