I was craving a pumpkin milkshake and drove to my favorite burger joint, Yeah Burger for their autumn pumpkin shake. I ordered one and spoke with the nice lady behind the counter while I waited. The subject of ice cream came up and she informed me their shakes are made with High Road Craft Ice Cream which I would normally be excited about because it tastes awesome but I just found out they use Carrageenan.
At over $5 a pint you would think they would not use ingredients that may be potential carcinogens and increase inflammation. I know many organic companies use undegraded Carrageenan and claim it is safe. They say the degraded Carrageenan causes colon cancer and their food grade undegraded Carrageenan does not have the same health concerns.
However, some degraded carrageenan may be in the products. I applaud Stonyfield who is a very large organic dairy company for being so open about the fact that ” Cohen and Ito in 2006 states that some samples of undegraded carrageenan were shown to contain a very small amount of degraded carrageenan.” They still do not think it is a concern but I would rather not take the risk and eat something that may increase inflammation in my back or digestive system. Even Dr. Weil said “Given this new information on carrageenan, I would recommend avoiding regular consumption of products containing it.”
Needless to say, I was disappointed and left without my shake. Later that day I was still crazing one so I decided to make my own. Luckily, I had bananas in the freezer, some organic pumpkin purée, almond milk, freshly ground almond butter, and cinnamon. I also had ice cream but I actually prefer using frozen bananas in my shakes for the potassium and taste.
This is a very easy and healthy shake. My daughter came back for a second glass and grabbed a toffee almond cookie too. We toasted some marshmallows but it is not necessary.

1) Take 2 bananas out of the freezer and throw them into the blender. Add 1 cup of almond milk, 1/4 cup almond butter for creaminess, 1/2 cup pumpkin purée and 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon. Blend.

2) Taste and see if you prefer more almond milk. It may be too thick or your bananas may have a very strong taste. I prefer to freeze ripe bananas.
3) Pour into a glass and sprinkle some cinnamon on top. Toast some marshmallows with a kitchen torch or extended lighter usually used to light your grill. Add the marshmallows on top. Serve with some ginger or toffee cookies or the chocolate peanut butter balls I am posting shortly. Yum!

Our Best Bites recommended adding graham crackers on top and I will try it next time.