Making a fresh smoothie in the morning is a lot easier than it looks and you start the day off with most of the vitamins your body needs for the day. I recommend buying all the fruit and vegetables and spending 15 to 30 minutes cutting them up and placing the chopped pieces in freezer bags or pyrex dishes ahead of time.

Then in the morning, all you have to do is grab the fruit you want and throw it in the blender. It takes 5 minutes tops to make a smoothie. Pineapples, strawberries, blueberries, peaches, cherries (pitted), blackberries, mangos, cranberries, and rhubarb freeze well.
Several people have asked about how many calories are in my smoothies and I really do not know. I am sure I can add up the calories from all the fruits but I have found it is better to feed my body foods rich in nutrients and I can easily manage my weight. I focus on balancing my glucose levels and fruit contains a lot of fiber and complex carbohydrates so they tend to release glucose slower and the digestion process takes longer than cereals, white breads, and heavy starches.
I do not add fruit juices to my smoothies because they lack the fiber and I can feel my blood sugar spike after drinking them. Look at this website for Harvard Health Publications, Harvard Medical School for more information about the glycemic index, serving size and glycemic load per serving.
Dates do have a high glycemic load per serving but there are so many health benefits in dates that I always add them to my smoothies. Dates can help you manage your weight because they can suppress your appetite. In addition, they can help you sleep better. If you are interested, read more about the health benefits of dates.
If your kids refuse to try the smoothie or claim they don’t like it, you can freeze the extra for a delicious treat. It is amazing how kids will eat anything when it is frozen on a stick. My kids love to eat the popsicles after school and they are getting more nutrients again. My daughter can focus on her homework. Well, maybe not all the time!
1) Cut up one pineapple and freeze. Wash and place the strawberries in the freezer with tops on if you like. Wash and freeze blueberries and raspberries (they may get smashed but are fine in a smoothie), pit the cherries and freeze, peel and cut up a mango and freeze.

2) Open a coconut. Click here to learn how to do it. Or use a container of Vita CoCo. Pour a cup in for a thick smoothie and 1 ½ cups for a thinner one.

3) Quarter and core an apple then add to the blender in the coconut water.
4) Wash a handful of kale and throw it in.
5) Grab a handful of fresh or frozen pineapple chunks, handful of berries, and about 2 cups of chopped mango. Peel the banana and throw it on top. Add 5 dates and 2 tablespoons of local honey or more to about a ¼ cup. Add 1/2 of a lemon and 1/2 of a lime or add a pinch of lemon zest and a pinch of lime zest for vitamin C.

6) For more fiber and Omega-3?s add a tablespoon of chia seeds.

7) For more anti-inflammatory properties, especially if you have allergies and are fighting a bug, peel a ½ inch piece of fresh ginger or squirt some ginger puree into the smoothies. It gives it a little zing.
8) Blend, taste, add more of anything else you want to customize, then serve with some fresh mint and a pineapple wedge.

To Make Popsicles
1) Pour the remaining smoothie into popsicle molds. I have BPA free ones but just ordered a stainless steel set from the Tickle Trunk. I cannot wait for them to arrive!

Why you want to drink this!
- Pineapples are rich in Vitamin C, manganese, fiber, folic acid, and Vitamin B6, B1 and copper. Bromelain in the core of the fruit fights inflammation and improves digestion. Pineapples can give you that energy boost due to the manganese and B1 vitamin.
- Mangos are an excellent source for Vitamin A, beta-carotene, potassium, alpha-carotene, Vitamin C, Vitamin B-6, and Vitamin E. Studies are showing mangos may protect against colon, breast, and prostate cancers. Vitamin C removes harmful free radicals from the body, potassium reduces blood pressure, and Vitamin A improves the skin and mucus membranes.
- Lemon Juice is rich in Vitamin C to fight free radical damage in your body. They can help prevent cancer and improve your skin. Many companies add vitamin C to their skin car lines.
- Mint is low in calories and very high in minerals and manganese, Vitamin A, Vitamin C and potassium. It improves digestion, stomach aches, headaches and can relieve tension and asthma. Peppermint helps open your air ways to breathe easier. People love the smell of fresh mint. It has a calming effect.