For Mother’s Day, my daughter and I went to my favorite restaurant and they served a platter of rhubarb with four sorbets: mint, oregano, basil, and thyme. It was absolutely amazing and the perfect dessert for the summer. My daughter loved it so much I promised we would try and make the sorbets at home.
I searched the internet and found this recipe on Eating Well. It looked like a healthy option for us. Since we have these herbs in our garden, we choose a mint, cinnamon basil, and lemon balm and mint as our three sorbets.
I am very pleased with how they turned out; they are not as good as Bacchanalia but maybe we will get closer on our second try. I think they used a sorbet maker to churn the simple syrup to create a smoother texture. Next time we will try it.

Since we had extra, I made a rum sorbet drink and highly recommend it. All you do is scoop some sorbet in a mini martini glass or whatever you have and then add the rum. Let it melt a little, stir and drink. Garnish with some mint or lemon balm. You can use Vodka or Gin as well.

1) Pour boiling water over the 1 1/2 cups cane sugar, zest from a whole lemon ( avoid the white part since it is bitter), and 1 cup of chopped mint and lemon balm. Let seep for 20 minutes or until the prefered intensity.
2) Strain the leaves and put in a freezer safe pyrex dish. Add the 1/2 cup of freshly squeezed lemon juice and stir. Cover and freeze over night.

3) Use a cookie or ice cream scooper and scoop out the sorbet into a martin glass and garnish with fresh mint or lemon balm for a fancy presentation.
