Do you remember exchanging the preprinted comic like Valentine cards as a child? Sometimes the cards were attached to a miniature box of sweethearts filled with the corny sayings “Be Mine, Hug Me, Cutie Pie, and Sweet Pea” on the colored hearts. Things seemed to be more simple then. If you want to go down memory lane and see some vintage Valentines from the 1920′s and 1930′s, look on ebay.
Now people spend more time putting together custom Valentines with fun sayings like “There are too many REISENS why you are the dearest friend!” attached to a red box of individual Reisens or “Valentine, you’re my main Squeeze” attached to a squeezable applesauce or juice box. Pinterest has inspired so many moms (or put pressure on them) to make these fun crafts.
I love seeing all these Valentines come home in my kids’ backpacks. My favorite ones are hand written by the kids or have an adorable picture on the tag. It is fun as well as shocking to see how much the kids change every year.

Kristen Smith created these postcards for our family. You are welcome to ask her to customize the tag if you want to give the Rosemary sea salt caramel popcorn. She has several Valentine classroom templates you can purchase on
My daughter came up with the SNACK FACT idea on the back. She wanted to use Rosemary since she loves the flavor and it symbolizes love. Most kids do not know Rosemary is known for Remembrance and can improve your concentration and she wanted to share that fact with her friends. William Shakespeare coined the phrase, “There’s rosemary, that’s for remembrance” in Hamlet.

The postcards are 130#,100% recycled paper 4.25 tall x 5.5 wide. Use your local printer or contact Imagers. If you select a thick paper like I did, then you need to score the back which thins the paper to fold easier. A bone scorer runs around $7 at a craft store.

Use a ruler to guide the scorer. The easiest way to determine where you need to score the paper is to use a board with measurement lines and a built in ruler like this Fiskars paper trimmer board. It will speed up the process and ensure everything is scored squarely. Or, you can draw a line on the back and then score it.

A bone folder helps you smooth out the crease line for a more professional look. It is a nice thing to own if you scrapbook. It runs about $7 as well. I found mine at Sam Flax. There are some from Martha Stewart which are less.

The compostable and biodegradable bags are 5.25″ width x 7.5″ length. You can find them at Nashville Wraps. Have the kids stuff the bags half full with popcorn while you score the cards. Fold the bag twice and then staple it. Place the card over the folded bag and staple the card on. It is that easy. Happy Valentine’s Day!

Summary of materials
Compostable bags
4.25 x 5.5 one sided postcards
Ruler/paper trimmer
Bone scorer
Bone Folder
Staples and stapler
Rosemary Sea salt Caramel Popcorn