After reading about an Influenza Sorbet, several of my friends commented on how brilliant the marketing is and why in the world we did not think of making one ourselves. I cannot wait to try this sorbet but in the mean time, I created a smoothie to help you fight off the flu or cold as well as enjoy on a daily basis. One that is very easy to make and packed with most of the vitamins you will need for the entire day.
This smoothie may promote general good health by reducing inflammation in the body. Inflammation lowers our ability to fight off the common cold, flu, ear infections, auto-immune diseases and other superbugs. All of our immune systems can use a boost this winter. I know mine is shot due to the lack of sleep and repeated exposure of germs in my almost 3 year old’s class. Everyone is sick and keeps passing all the bugs around.
To stay healthy, you need to make sure you are getting enough Vitamin C, antioxidants, and omega-3′s, as well as staying hydrated. This smoothie is loaded with fruit and spices to give you everything you need. Feel free to substitute any other fruits or change it up each day.
If you are craving something, listen to your body and add it to the smoothie. I am not talking about an ice cream sandwich next to the frozen fruit!
Directions (Use Organic Fruit)
1) You need a base and I recommend coconut water instead of plain water. Coconut water is referred to as a “man made sports drink” because it replenishes your electrolytes. Open a young coconut or a bottle coconut water and pour in 2 or more cups. Here is how you open a coconut. It tastes so much better fresh!
Note: I scape out the coconut meat with a spoon and add it to my smoothies. It tastes really good in pina colada popsicles.

2) A powerful anti-inflammatory is ginger. I recommend buying fresh ginger and adding a grape size piece in the smoothie. The Vitamix pulverizes it so you will only taste a little zing. Use a spoon, remove the skin from the piece of ginger and throw in the blender. You can also buy organic freshly pureed ginger to ensure it is really smooth. I bought mine at Whole Foods.

3) Cut a lime in half and remove the skin. Add the lime half. Limes are also a good source of Vitamin C and can replace some of the Vitamin C lost if you use frozen blueberries.

4) Add a handful of blueberries. Blueberries “provide you with plenty of vitamin E, dietary fiber, magnesium, calcium, zinc, vitamin K and omega-3 fatty acids for heart health. Zinc may have benefits in fighting a cold, notes.” You can also use strawberries.
5) Remove the skin from the pineapple and add 1/4 of the pineapple in the blender. Or add a handful of frozen pineapple. Pineapple has Vitamin C but also reduces inflammation which is crucial to avoid getting sick. Please add the core… I have been told pharmaceutical companies buy the pineapple core for all the medicinal properties.
6) Add a handful of kale. You will not taste it! Slice and core one apple. Add a handful of cherries or cranberries for the antioxidants.
7) Add 6 dates for the sweetness and nutrients, 1/4 cup local honey to help with allergies, and a teaspoon of cinnamon for brain boosting abilities and lessen effects of a cold or the flu.

8) Now add a ripe fresh or frozen banana. Sprinkle a teaspoon of chi seeds for the omega 3′s. Again you will not taste it.

9) If you are really wanting a boost, add this original superfood. I bought mine at Garden of Eden but you can find several varieties on Amazon. Look for an ORAC value of around 20,000. I recommend making the smoothie without it at first and gradually add it in. It does have a very green taste.

10) Blend and blend well. You want this to be very smooth. Your kids will never drink this again if they get a piece of ginger!
Note: You want to have one or two frozen fruits in this smoothie or you need to add ice. It tastes so much better cold.

If I drink a large smoothie and eat a handful of almonds each morning, I will not be hungry until around 2 o’clock. My body is so satisfied with all the nutrients in the smoothie, I really do not need to eat much the rest of the day. I feel better and can easily drop a few pounds if I wish.
I do recommend ordering one of Jeni’s Sorbets. (They changed the name to Hot Toddy) I emailed the owner of the company they do not add any carrageenan or other preservatives. She uses high quality ingredients that do reduce inflammation in the body so it may work!